Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well Nathan got on the bus, heading for the plane to Afghanistan today. I am very sad, but I am happy to say that I kept it together for him at the going away ceremony. Thankfully the press did not show up as the timing was moved from 8 am to 6:30am this morning instead. I am very sad to see him go, but I know that he is doing this for the right reasons so I am happy for him in that respect. He truly does seem happiest doing what he was doing for training here and he was very excited to go. It was however, odd to see him without hair!

I will be thinking of him constantly and worrying about not only him, but the hundreds of soldiers we are sending out. I have met many of them during my stay here and truly love and respect all of them for what they are trying to accomplish. My hopes and thoughts are with them over the next 8 months and I believe that there will be a little piece of me always looking out for those that are going now and even when our boy is home safe and sound.

I hope that all of you will be sending out warm thoughts to them all during this time. I know that I will. Love you all and I am so proud of you babe!

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